Cracking the MRCS Viva: A revision guide

Cracking the MRCS Viva A revision guideBy

  • Iain Au-Yong MA (Cantab) BMBCh (Oxon) MRCS (Ed) is Specialist Registrar in Radiology, Queens Medical Centre and Nottingham City Hospital, Nottingham, UK.
  • Simon Howarth MA (Cantab) BMBCh (Oxon) MRCS (Eng) MRCS (Glas) is Honorary Specialist Registrar, Department of Neurosurgery, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Clinical Research Associate in Neuroimaging, Department of Radiology, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
  • Tjun Tang MA (Hons) MB BChir MRCS (Glas) is Specialist Registrar in General Surgery, Eastern Deanery; currently Research Registrar in Neuroimaging, Addenbrooke’s NHS Trust Hospital, and Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
  • Robert Sayers MD FRCS is Reader in Surgery, Department of Surgery, Vascular Surgery Group, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UK

Cracking the MRCS Viva is an outstanding guide to the MRCS Viva examination. Its unique approach recreates the structure and content of each individual viva, allowing the reader to self-test, or two students to recreate mock viva sessions for themselves.

Divided into six sections to mirror the exam – applied surgical anatomy, operative surgery, applied surgical pathology, principles of surgery, applied surgical physiology, and critical care – each section covers a range of topics, listed alphabetically, and contains all the information required to pass the exam using concise, bullet-point text, helpful tables and easy to reproduce diagrams.

Written by registrars who have all recently passed the MRCS, plus an MRCS examiner, this comprehensive and user-friendly revision guide also contains considerable input from other senior specialists.

  • Focuses on the core topics that will maximise good marks
  • Presented as mock exams papers that will allow candidates to test each other
  • Illustrated with simple, reproducible line drawings
  • Covers a broad range of topics relevant to the viva section of the MRCS examination


Note: Only Surgery member can download this ebook. Learn more here!


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