Jatin P. Shah, Snehal G. Patel, Bhuvanesh Singh Providing practical, multidisciplinary coverage of the[...]
Giovanni Di Giacomo, Alberto Costantini, Andrea De Vita, Nicole Pouliart The anatomy of the shoulder[...]
Rose Hamm Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by[...]
Michael J. Zinner, Stanley W. Ashley, O. Joe Hines The definitive full-color illustrated guide[...]
Yvonne Chan, John Goddard Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not[...]
Huddleston Lead innovation and raise the standard of care in your OR with new[...]
Javad Parvizi, James I. Huddleston III This text contains the most comprehensive compilation of[...]
J. Lawrence Marsh This work includes lectures presented at the AAOS 2006 Annual Meeting[...]
Tad L. Gerlinger, Javad Parvizi Contains the most comprehensive compilation of current, clinically relevant[...]
Thomas Quin Throckmorton, Tad L. Gerlinger From patient care to practice in the digital[...]
Craig J. Della Valle Contains the most comprehensive compilation of current, clinically-relevant presentations from[...]
Robert A. Hart Organised by orthopaedic specialty area, ICL 63 is convenient resource to[...]
Frederick M. Azar, Paul J. Duwelius Stay up-to-date on today’s new and changing techniques[...]
Terry R. Light This work explores rapidly changing topics in depth, with new techniques[...]
Vincent D. Pellegrini Orthopaedic surgeons treat everything from tibial shaft fractures to distal humerus[...]
David Helfet Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 53, which draws from lectures presented at the[...]
Donald C. Ferlic, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Aaos) This work draws from lectures[...]
James H. Beaty, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Aaos) The 59 chapters in volume[...]
Isam Alobid, Paolo Castelnuovo This atlas offers a complete review of all endoscopic approaches[...]