Theodoros Theodoridis, Jürgen Krämer Written by a multidisciplinary team of experts, Spinal Injection Techniques[...]
Joshua Dines, David Dines, Lawrence Gulotta The ultimate how-to resource on shoulder surgery[...]
Carly Meyer, Nerina Scarinci, Louise Hickson A how-to-guide on providing an evidence-based, patient- and[...]
Jesse B. Jupiter, Doug A. Campbell, Fiesky A. Nunez The Manual of Fracture Management[...]
Sam Atallah This book captures cornerstone developments in a new body of knowledge and provides[...]
Jayleen Grams, Kyle A. Perry, Ali Tavakkoli The field of benign foregut surgery continues[...]
Yan Wang This book introduces surgical treatment of ankylosing spondylitis in details, aiming to help[...]
Olaf H. Stanger, John R. Pepper, Lars G. Svensson This book follows the concept[...]
Gregory Kennedy, Ankush Gosain, Melina Kibbe, Scott A. Lemaire This updated volume provides the[...]
Felix H. Savoie III This book presents the consensus findings of the ISAKOS Shoulder[...]
S. Ali Mirjalili This book is designed as a learning tool to assist candidates to[...]
Lorenzo D’Antiga This book is the first to provide balanced examination of both pediatric liver[...]
Mario Lima, Olivier Reinberg This comprehensive, up-to-date reference on surgery in the neonate presents and[...]
W. Ben Kibler, Aaron D. Sciascia As clinical interest in overhead athletic injuries is on[...]
Satoshi Ieiri This book provides essential information on the status quo and changing profile of[...]
Marc Safran, Mustafa Karahan This book presents the latest knowledge in the evaluation and[...]
K. Mohan Iyer, Wasim S. Khan The second edition of this book concisely covers[...]
Devyani Lal, Peter H. Hwang This state-of-the-art text addresses surgery of the frontal sinus, and[...]
Ik Soo Koh, Won Lee This book is a comprehensive, up-to-date, and clearly organized[...]
Murad Alam This book compiles the best evidence in procedural dermatology, including skin cancer surgery,[...]
Won June Yoon This book presents state of the art information on all aspects of[...]
Francesco Brunetti This volume provides an overview of the current evidence-based medical and surgical practice[...]
E. Carlos Rodriguez-merchan, Alexander D. Liddle This state-of-the-art book provides a comprehensive overview of[...]
John R. Fowler Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common compression neuropathy in[...]
Ashesh Piyush Shah, Cataldo Doria Intestinal transplantation remains on the cutting edge of solid organ[...]
Ashraf Ibrahim, Talal Al-Malki This book is about the early diagnosis and management of cases[...]
Fabrizio Margheritini, Joao Espregueira-Mendes, Alberto Gobbi This book, featuring a practical hands-on format, describes an[...]
Alexis Demetriades, Rudiger Himmelhan, Heiko Koller, Yohan Robinson This comprehensive, up-to-date textbook of modern cervical[...]
Robert C. McIntyre, Richard D. Schulick Using a proven, practical, algorithmic approach, Surgical Decision[...]
Friedman Recent years have brought many significant changes to the field of sleep apnea[...]
Keyvan Nouri, Latanya Benjamin, Jasem Alshaiji, Jan Izakovic A complete guide to the surgical techniques[...]
David H. Chestnut, Cynthia A Wong, Lawrence C Tsen, Warwick D Ngan Kee, Yaakov Beilin,[...]
Kate Coleman Now thoroughly revised to reflect state-of-the-art advances in the field, Botulinum Toxin[...]