- Sri G. Thrumurthy, Core Trainee in General Surgery, London Deanery, UK
- Tania S. De Silva, Specialty Registrar in General Surgery, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
- Zia M. Moinuddin, Specialty Registrar in General Surgery, Central Manchester University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, UK
- Stuart Enoch, Clinical Director, Centre for Study of Wound Care and Burns, and Visiting Professor, Department of Biomedical Research, Noorul Islam University, and India Director of Education and Research, Doctors Academy, Cardiff, UK
Specifically designed to help candidates revise for the MRCS exam, this book features 250 extended matching questions divided into 96 themes, covering the whole syllabus. Containing everything candidates need to pass the MRCS Part A EMQ section of the exam, the book focuses intensively on topics relating to principles of surgery-in-general, including peri-operative care, post-operative management and critical care, surgical technique and technology, management and legal issues in surgery, clinical microbiology, emergency medicine and trauma management, and principles of surgical oncology.
The high level of detail included within the questions and their explanations allows effective self-assessment of knowledge and quick identification of key areas requiring further attention. Varying approaches to extended matching questions are used, giving effective exam practice and guidance through revision and exam technique. This includes clinical case questions, positively-worded questions, requiring selection of the most appropriate of relatively correct answers; ‘two-step’ or ‘double-jump’ questions, requiring several cognitive steps to arrive at the correct answer; as well as factual recall questions, prompting basic recall of facts.
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